Thursday, October 25, 2012

Furry cuties

Muih söpikset
Kuten aiemmassa postauksessa jo kerroinkin, tänään oli koulun kautta retki Ähtärin eläinpuistoon. Otin sitten kameran mukaan ja räpsin mitä kerkesin ja räpsinkin aika paljon, lopun aikaa lässytin söpöille elukoille. Parempi zoom-objektiivi olis ollu ehdottomasti tarpeen tommosessa paikassa, välillä kun eläimet on tosi kaukana. On taas kouluviikko, joten päällä ei oo ollu mitään sen kummosempaa, jotain kurppasta ja käytännöllistä. (mun koulu on siis maaseudulla ja ei sinne oo mitään järkeä pukeutua) Tein kans tosi söpöt bento-boksit mukaan ja tohinoissani tajusin, kun puolet safkasta oli jo syöty, että unohdin ottaa lounaastani kuvan. :P

..ja sitten törkyisen paljon kuvia !
 (kuvia saa klikkaamalla isommaksi)

Hi cuties
As I already told in my previous post, today I went for a field trip in school to Ähtäri zoo (which has more natural species for Finland). I took my camera with me and shot what I had time for and actually took quite a lot of pics, the rest of the time I baby talked to the animals. A better zoom lense would have been in place for a place like that, since sometimes the creatures are really far. Because it has been a school week, I haven't worn anything special, only something crappy and practical. (my school is in the countryside, so there's really no point to dress up) I also did really cute bento boxes to go with me and in the middle of everything, when I had already eaten half of them, I realised I hadn't taken a picture of them. :P

..and then a huge load of pictures !
(by clicking you can enlarge the pictures)

 Oli tosi vaikeeta saada niin söpöistä saukoista kuvaa tuon lasin läpi (olivat nukkumassa pesässä), aina heijasti tai valotusaikana kamera tärähti, mutta voi että saukot on niiin söpöjä! utsiwutsipuiii

It was really hard to get pictures of the cute otters though that glass (they were sleeping in their nest), there was always a reflection or while taking the photo in the dark-ish place my hands are never steady enough, but oh they are such cuties!

 Tää duudsi oli tosi ystävällinen tapaus. Heti ku meni aitausta lähemmäs ja äänteli jotain, nii sieltä se juoksi ja oli ihan innoissaan moikkaamassa..hihi..söpö laama

This dude was a really friendly case. Firsti thing when approaching to the inclosure and making some noice, it ran towards and was really excited to say hello..hihi..cute lama.

Isoja oli niiiiiiiiin ihania!!

Big kitties...uih...they were soooooooo cute!!  

 Tää korppi oli niin mahtitapaus! Se tykästyi etenkin yhteen meidän ryhmän miespuoliseen henkilöön. Se tuli hengaan tohon ihan kiinni verkkoon ja saatiin sen läpi rapsutellakin korppia ja se tykkäs siitä. Ihana otus

This crow was so great! It especially got fond of one male person of our group. It came to hang out next to the net thing and we got to pet it through the net and the crow liked it! Lovely creature

 Yksi huuhkajista vastaili mulle ku leikin rääkkyilevää oli niin söpö

One of the  eagle owls responded to me when I made these birdie was so cute

Ostin  tommosen söpön saukko-pehmolelun Katariinalle tuliaiseks. ^__^
Tässä ei tietenkään oo kaikki kuvat ja monesta elukasta en saanu kunnon kuvia tai ne nukku tai oli kaukana, mutta kivaa oli ja karvakavereita on aina ihana nähdä!

I bought that cute otter-plushie for Katariina as a souvenir. ^__^
Ofcourse here's not all the pictures I took and I didn't get a good pictures of everything and some were sleeping or far away, but I had a great time and it's always lovely seeing furry friends!


Tänään iltapäivästä ripotteli vähän räntää ja ensimmäinen kuva alhaalla on siitä, miltä takapiha näytti silloin ja toiset kuvat siitä miltä se näyttää nyt! Voi olla aikas surkea idea lähtee aamulla luisteleen todella kuluneilla kesärenkailla!

This afternoon it started to snow a bit (not real snow, it's this annoying watery snow that melts and what's left is this mush of water-snow-mix)..the first picture below is what our backyard looked like earlier and the next ones what it looks like now! It might not be a good idea to go to school tomorrow with really worn out and slippery summer tires on the car! If this sounds weird to you, then yes, in Finland we have to change tires for the winter.

 (en oo vielä yökuvaillut uudella kameralla, joten sori epäselkeisyys)
(I haven't taken any night pics with my new camera, so sorry for the quality.)

Lupaan asukuvia viimeistään viikonloppuna! ;)
I promise some outfit picture this weekend at the latest! ;)



  1. oh mai gawd.... the otters ♥
    And that lynx is absolutely adorable! I just love cats X3
    Ohh and I really want to pet a crow too .___.
    And what is that super fluffy white animal there? XDD It's so cute but I really can't tell... is it a wolf? o_O
    Anyway, it's incredibly cute X3 That look on the last photo! So adorable :D
    We have snow here too but so far it actually stays. I wonder what it will be like tomorrow morning, though... and soon it's supposed to be warmer again so I guess it will all melt pretty soon anyway.

    Please be careful when you use your car! .___.

  2. Hihi..they are all so cute! ^__^
    The white one is an arctic fox (naali)..there was a normal fox too, but it was sleeping and couldn't get a good pic.

    I just wanted to hug all of the animals! ♥

    Will be careful with the car, propably won't drive it untill sunday when planning to go change the winter tires. It's always a bit risky when there's ice on the roads.

  3. So beautiful photos! All animals are so cute :-) I want to go to our animal's garden :3

  4. Aww the animals are soooo cute!! The lama looks so funny xDD
    Have a nice weekend!

    1. The lama had really funny lookin face when it was staring at me :P

  5. Wonderful animals, the otters and the linx are so cute!!!

  6. Voi vitsi miten suloisia voi olla! Niin ihania kuvia oot kyllä ottanut! :-) <3

    1. Kiitos ^_^ Söpöistä otuksista oli niin kiva räpsiä kuvia :D


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