(this is only in finnish, sorry..it's about customs, they are making it harder to buy anything without paying taxes)
Suomen tulli siis näköjään haluaa oman osuutensa kaikesta maahan tuotavasta tavarasta, nykyisin kun ihmiset tilaavat paljon ulkomailta. Tilauksien tekeminen on nykyisin niin helppoa, tarjontaa löytyy ja samoja tuotteita löytyy paljon halvemmalla, kuin mitä ne maksavat Suomessa.
Nykyään arvonlisäveroa tai tullimaksua ei ole tarvinnut maksaa, jos paketin sisällön arvo on alle 43,45€, mutta ensi vuoden alusta se muuttuu ja kaikesta arvoltaan yli 22€ joutuu maksamaan arvonlisäveroa ja pienin summa on 5€. Arvonlisäveron minimisumma koskee määrätyn alueen ulkopuolelta tulevaa maahantuontia.
Nyt siis hankaloituu entisestään ulkomailta shoppailu..voihan kurppa sentään..kannattakohan melkein ruveta laskeskeleen hintoja, että tuleeko esimerkiksi kimppatilaukset halvemmiksi. On kyllä hankalaa..
Rasittavaa, tullin käyttö on muutenkin tosi hankalaa. Itse nettitullasin bodylinen paketin ja siinä sitten mietittiin äidin kaa et mihin kategoriaan hiusrusetit ja muut pikkusälät kuuluu -.-
ReplyDeleteJuu todella rasittavaa on, itsekin joutunut kaivelemaan tullin kaikenlaisia tiedostoja, kun etsin koodia synteettiselle kokopään peruukille. Soittamallahan sen voi myös selvittää. Se on ollu todi nihkeetä, kun paketit, joiden ei kuuluis jäädä tulliin, on silti jääny tulliin..sit ne lähtee matkaan ilman mitään maksuja, mutta itselle se päivän parin lisäodotus tuntuu ihan karseelta! :P
DeleteNoi voihan kökkö, oikeesti! Just lähti multakin tilaus Japaniin, ja hyppelin riemusta kun arvokin on vaan öbaut kolmisen kymppiä postareineen... mutta nyt sitten tulli pilaa tämänkin ilon! Itteläni ei tosin vielä koskaan oo mitään tulliin edes jäänyt, mutta silti.
ReplyDeleteOn tässä vielä reilu pari kuukautta ennen ku tulee voimaan tuo. :)
DeleteVoi ***** Saa** * * vit*** perk**** Vi***!!!!!!!
DeleteMutta...Ei tuo 43€ nyt ihan paikkaansa voi pitää, mulla on mennyt läpi paketit joissa on arvoa 7400 jeniä, eikä ole tarvinnut mitään maksaa :o
ReplyDeleteItse luulin että arvo on 100€ sis. postimaksun, jonka kohdalla jumahtaa tulliin.
Mutta enpä tiedä, tyhmää :/
Oho..tainnu käydä aika pulla! :D
DeleteMulla on jääny 90€ arvoinen paketti tulliin ja siitä jouduin maksaan asiaan kuuluvat maksut
Haista tulli vittu. >8(((
ReplyDeleteOh I heard about that change from a friend (if I understood correctly from your text) but I still think it's better than in my home country.... I once order something for around 75€ from Japan, and I already new I'd have to pay around 20% taxes so I had that money prepared... I was, however, not prepared when DHL gave me a bill over 65€ which I had to pay in order to get my package from them.
ReplyDeleteBecause apparently they did the customs declaration and kindly forgot to mention the price for the shipping, so the customs office just assumed some horrendous "standard price" for shipping from Japan that was around 10x higher than the actual shipping =/ Also I had to pay 30€ extra because I order more than 5 individual pieces (one of it being a key charm for 2€ -_-), all together it was 6 or 7, and apparently this causes our customs office soooo much more work than if it had been only 1-5.
I was so pissed off I can hardly describe it. I even tried to contact the customs office to sort this out (actually took me several calls and E-Mails to even find out why I had to pay so much because the bill was not clear about that) but they refused to help and answer me. I even proved to them that I payed much less for the shipping by showing the invoice etc but they didn't care.
I ordered something when I came here because I thought it's less risky than in Austria to be ripped off by the stupidity of DHL and customs office employees. I did run in to a series of problems though because I couldn't pay the taxes online because I have no Finnish bank account (seriously why does it matter from which bank I pay the fee? -_-) to pay in advance and no Social Security number for proving my identity to get it shipped to Turku and pay there. In the end I wrote a mail and sent them a passport copy. I was then able to pick it up from the post office but did not have to pay the fee there, and did not know what and where to pay. I contacted them again (repeatedly) but didn't get an answer to my question. Finally, weeks later I got another letter with a bill over 50€ (price of my items was 130€) and again I don't know where to pay because they have three different bank numbers stated there, I guess for the three different banks, but my account is of course from another bank, so I'll just randomly pick one and hope they get my money and leave me alone already after that.
Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to let you know: customs suck. They really do, and I think it's pretty much bullshit that as an individual you are kept from buying outside of your country so effectively. I understand that they want you to spend your money in your own country, but seriously, as if the people that order online make the difference.... it's big businesses that have their items manufactured in countries where they pay horrendously low wages to afford cheap production that should be more encouraged to "spend there money" inside the country, not us who order from aborad from time to time -_-
Oh damn, you've had some really bad luck with customs! :|
DeleteAnd yes, customs suck! Why should we have to pay super high prices of items here, when we can get the same thing elsewhere much cheaper and then the money don't go the useless middle men, who won't stock up things we actually want in decent prices.
There can be many custom fees in Finland, the tax is usually 23% + customs fee and possibly a fee, if I remember correctly about 26€, if a postal service does your customs declaration for you. The reason for the different bank accounts in the bill, is that people can transfer the money from a same bank if possible, so the money will get transfered faster, but if you don't have any an account in any of those banks, it doesn't really matter which one you choose, it will take 1-3 days for it to transfer.
Ohh now I also understand the bill that they sent me, thanks! Bah, but that's bad, I have to pay 50€ simply because not being a citizen of Finland I had no chance to do the declaration myself (because I neither have a Finnish bank account nor social security number) .__. Damn....
DeleteThanks for clearing things up for me! :D
No problem dear ^__^
DeleteNo johan on typerää. Kalliiden keräilynukkejen omistajan kannalta, kuten minun, tuo on todella tyhmää. Ensin maksetaan roimat tullit nukesta (hartsinukeista vielä enemmän) ja sitten, jos tilaa nyt pelkän peruukin jonka hinta on vaikka 20 € + postit niin siitäkin pitäisi maksaa tullia? Joku kyllä sanoi että tämä koskisi vain yrityksiä, mutta en tiedä. Typerää kuitenkin.
ReplyDeleteErittäin typerää on, etenkin juuri kun Suomesta ei pysty moniakaan juttuja ostamaan ja ulkomailta mitä vain tilatessa, menee se arvo helposti tuon parin kympin ylitse. Todella nihkeeä..pitää passittaa kaikki tutut matkailijat tuomaan mukanaan kaikkea. :P