Monday, February 13, 2017

✨♡ Dressing up a friend in lolita ♡✨

Hello Darlings! ❤

Time to get back into blogging and end my little hiatus. Been concentrating on everyday life for a while, on myself and being with my lovely daughter. We've been playing games and been outdoors and had some lovely quality time. I've been thinking about all the things I want to share with you in my blog and gonna start with this~

💙 Kawaii fluffy pastel cuteness overload -day! Yay! 💙

I got this awsum friend, Agony von Grim, she usually wears black and a kind of a pastel / nu goth style and this time I dressed her up in lolita! We talked about it at some point and we agreed about her coming for a visit just for this. Of course considering her normal style, I wanted to dress her in sweet lolita style and as yummy cute cake -like. This was so much fun, like a more or less every lolita's secret dream to dress up others.

We actually had a blast and a super fun day! We should have recorded everything, because Agony's commentary was hilarious! Stuff like "This is what it must feel like being pregnant" x) I laid out some of my pink sweet lolita dresses before she arrived, so I could check which one would be perfect and  I decided on this cute frilly Angelic Pretty Colorful Sherbet JSK. Coordinated it with pink boots, pink top, pink ringlets and hair accessory. We said she was too sweet to get a diabetes from. Hihih~ Yup, we had fun and joked around all the time while we were dressed up! ^-^

Well of course we had some photoshooting fun out in the cold! We had to take evidence of this pastel poofyness and post them online. I think Agony von Grim looked so cute, she had the perfect level of attitude and crazyness to look like this was actually her thing. I'm gonna dress her up again some day, maybe in more gothic and actually go out into some public place, like the city center, because this time we just hanged around at my place.

Naturally I dressed up as well.. Last year I bought this second hand Unicorn Fantasy skirt by Pink Macaroon and haven't had the chance to wear it yet, so I put together something a bit casual and simple. I felt like a kind of sweet I haven't been in a long time, made me feel really good! Somewhat nostalgic as well, because this is the kind of style I used to wear more a few of years back. I have moved more towards classic style, not sure if it's an age thing or what, but I still love sweet lolita style and not giving it up! 💙
..I know my petticoat is peaking a bit, had some trouble with the the skirt length and pettis, but nah, it's not the end of the world :)

Pastel blue sweet lolita

Cutsew~  Angelic Pretty
Parka~  Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Skirt & Bow~  Pink Macaroon
Shoes~  Montreal
Socks~  Offbrand
Hair~  Gothic Lolita Wigs

I gotta admit, that when I saw the skirt at some sales group in Facebook, I made the decision to buy it for my daughter..well to alter something out of it for her..but after I received, it was so cute and fit well and wasn't tight at all, I decided I want to wear it myself first. Well we discussed it with my babygirl and it was fine with her. She has a bunch of dresses herself, some princess ones, some lolita and some handmade by me. Like mother like daughter 💕

💖 Happy Valentines day! 💖
💗 Big hugs for all of you 💗

❤~ Saija Sasetar


  1. Oh kun pastellit hivelee silmää <3U<3 purrr <3 Ihanan näkösiä molemmat!

  2. Miksi tällä kertaa ei ollut suomeksi tekstiä? Englannintaitoni on sen verran huono, että olen ollut erittäin iloinen, kun aiemmin olet kirjoittanut molemmilla kielillä. Toivottavasti jatkossa kirjoitat myös suomeksi, vaikka ymmärrän, että siihen toki menee aikaa.

    1. Hei tosi kiva kun laitoit asiasta kommenttia! :) Tuntui vain siltä tällä kertaa, että kirjoitan englanniksi ja joskus miettinyt pitäisikö kirjoittaa näin aina. Jatkossakin tulossa ihan suomeksi ❤

  3. Ihana postaus, niin pastellista ja söpöä! Ystäväni puki minut joskus lolitaan ja oli kyllä hauskaa! Tein siitä nyt vihdoin ystävänpäivän kunniaksi postauksenkin, käy ihmeessä tsekkaamassa! :) Ihanaa ystävänpäivää sinulle! <3

    1. Kiitoksia ja voi miten ihanaa! ❤ Minäpä kurkin ja käyn stalkkaamassa. ^-^

  4. You and your friend look like you had a lot of fun taking the pictures and everything:)
    I especially love the unicorns on your skirt.:)

    1. We did! ♥ ♥ It was such a fun day! ^-^
      The unicorns are so cute, they are like royal ones from a fantasy land ♥

  5. Vau tosi nättejä kuvia, ootte kummatki tosi kauniita😍 rakastan lolitatyyliä mutta vaikea löytää rohkeutta pukea sitä:(

    1. Voi kiitoksia hirmuisesti ♥ :)
      Harmi ettei rohkeutta vielä löydy tarpeeksi, ehkä ajan kanssa tai muiden samantyylisten seurassa? Se on kuitenkin tyyli siinä missä moni muukin, ihmiset töllöttää vähän enemmän, mutta ihan sama, maailmaa on mahtava piristää olemalla omanlaisensa. ♥ ♥


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