Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Suloinen sunnuntai brunssi ♡

Moikka murut 💕

Tuossa vähän aikaa sitten Indiedays:in BID (Blogger's inspiration day) -tapahtumassa sain käsiini ihanan pirteän keltaisen paperikassillisen Santa Marian ja Risentan tuotteita. Paikan päällä oli myös samoja aineksia hyödyntäen tehty Teemu Laurellin valmistamana upea New York tyylinen brunssi, mikä oli aivan älyttömän hyvää! Ennen yhteistyöhön lähteöä tarkistelin, että tuotteet sopivat pääosin myös tyttärelleni ja kassissahan oli vaikka mitä ihanaa! (✯◡✯)

Oma ideani on suloinen ja söpö brunssi New Yorkissa, missä olisi pieni ihana asunto ja sinne tulisi vierailemaan pastellisesta muodista kiinnostuneita ystäviä. On kaunis ja kirkas sunnuntai-aamupäivä, ulkona on jo kylmä talvi, joten tekee hyvää helliä kehoa terveellisesti ja lämpöisesti.

Brunssi on luontaisesti täysin gluteeniton, sopii kasvissyöjille (sisältää kananmunaa), on maidoton ja mahdollisimman luomu-voittoinen raaka-aineiltaan. Brunssin tein minulle ja tyttärelleni yllätykseksi, mikä olikin aikamoinen. Pikkuneiti ihastui kovin ja juteltiin, että otetaan tavaksi nauttia silloin tällöin hienosti vähän erikoisempi ateria yhdessä. Brunssi toimii mainiosti! Sehän on aamupalan ja lounaan välimuoto ja itse tykkään kaikenlaisesta pienestä naposteltavasta ja sormisyötävästä. Erityisesti vapaa-päivä, kuten sunnuntai, on ihana viettää kiireettömästi ja nautiskella masut täyteen terveellisiä herkkuja. 🍒🍇🍵

[ENG] A collaboration gotten from an Indiedays Blogger's Inspiration Day. Got a bagful of Santa Maria & Risenta products and to plan a brunch. My idea was this cute Sunday brunch on a cold day at a small New York apartment with sweet friends. Healthy, gluten free and warm. 

Tämmöiset jutut pääsi testailuun:

Santa Maria Extra Smooth Kookosmaito

Santa Maria Vaniljatanko

Santa Maria Luomu Kardemumma

Santa Maria Mini Taco Tubs

Risenta Chia siemenet

Risenta Paahdetut Aurinkonkukansiemenet

Risenta Mustapavut 

Tältä meidän suloinen brunssi sitten näytti. 🌺

Pöytä katettiin kahdelle, eli minulle ja pikkuneidille. Siivoilin kaiken ylimääräisen rojun pois keittiön pöydältä, mitä aina meinaa kertyä elämisen touhussa. Silitin pöytäliinan ja vielä kynttilä somistamaan. Istuttiin muuten vielä illalla kynttilän kanssa syömässä iltapalaksi lettuja. Tuli todella kiva fiilis nähdä vaivaa ja laittaa kattaus nätisti. Tämmöinen kyllä kelpaisi varmasti pastelliselle pienelle porukalle, vaikka siellä New Yorkissa! Brunssi on vielä todella terveellinen, missään ei ole perusviljoja ja sokeriakin vain hillossa. Sopivasti täyttävää, proteiinirikasta ja silti niin kevyttä, ettei siitä tule ällön ähky olo. Täydellistä! 💖

~ Syötävät ~

Kuppi: Lomonosov - Reflections sarjaa

Chai Latte

♡ Santa Maria Vaniljatankoa
♡ Santa Maria Luomu kardemummaa
♡ Kokonaisia mustapippureita
♡ Kokonaisia neilikoita
♡ Muutama anistähti
♡ Muutama kanelitanko
♡ Pala tuoretta inkivääriä
♡ Maustamatonta mustaa teetä
♡ Pari litraa vettä

Mittasuhteet oman maun mukaan, itse pidän vahvasta, mutta tyttäreni vuoksi nyt hieman miedompaa. Keitetään ja haudutetaan mausteita pienellä lämmöllä noin puolisen tuntia, otetaan pois levyltä, lisätään pari pientä kourallista mustaa teetä, annetaan hautua 5-10 minuuttia. Siiviloidään kahteen kertaan.

Lisää kuuma mantelimaitojuoma tai muu maito mieltymyksien mukaan ja halutessa nökäre hunajaa.

Kookos Mango Smoothie

Santa Maria Kookosmaitoa
♡ Mangososetta
♡ Banaania
♡ Mantelimaitoa
Santa Maria Chia siemeniä

Laita ainekset tehosekoittemeen, mörskytä kunnes tasaisen pehmeää. Kaada tarjoiluastioihin ja koristele chia-siemenillä. Tästä tuli niin hyvää! Pitää käyttää useamminkin kookosmaitoa pohjana, etenkin kun tuo oli niin pehmeää ja kermaista. Aijjai~ 💗

Gluteenittomat Chia siemen proteiini -letut

Santa Maria Chia siemeniä 1/2 desiä
♡ Gram / Kikherne jauhoja 1/2 desiä
♡ Maissijauhoja 1/2 desiä
♡ Täysjyväriisijauhoja 1/2 desiä
♡ Banaaneja 4kpl
♡ Luomu kananmunia 3kpl

Pilko banaanit ja laita kaikki ainekset kulhoon, sekoita sauvasekoittimella, kunnes tasaista. Paista pannulla käyttäen luomu kookosöljyä. Tarjoile hillon, marjojen tai hedelmien kera. Meillä tällä kertaa luomu vadelmahilloa. 

Meillä nämä on sellaisia herkkupäivien ruokaa tai joskus otetaan evääksi reissuun. Bansku-kananmuna lätyt chia siementen kera on tosi tuhtia tavaraa, niistä löytyy hyvät ravintoaineet ja paljon protskua. Sopii vaikka lounaaksi tai iltapalaksi.

Raikkaat Mustapapu Taco Veneet

♡ Risenta Mustapapuja
♡ Risenta Paahdettuja Auringonkukansiemeniä
♡ Letkeän Lempeä Silmusalaatti
♡ Luomuporkkanaa
♡ Tuorekurkkua
♡ Naurista

Liotin ja keitin mustapavut pussin ohjeen mukaan. Murskaa pavut, lisää loraus luomu oliiviöljyä ja mausteita: suola, kurkuma, korianteri ja mustapippuri. Raasta porkkana ja lisää silmusalaatin kanssa maissiveneen päälle. Kurkusta, nauriksesta ja monesta muusta vihanneksesta ja juureksesta saa muoteilla tai veitsellä muotoiltua piristäviä koristeita.

Nomnom~ sit vaan syömään! 💝

Nekku vielä demonstroi kuinka brunssin jälkeen tulee toimia, eli ota rennosti. (=^ ◡ ^=)

Mitäs tykkäätte, maistuisko teille tämmöinen brunssi?

Onkos ihmisillä muuten tapana tehdä itse tai käydä brunssilla? 

❤~ Saija Sasetar

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Long Ears and Sharp Ears' Studio ♛ Thorn Castle

My co-model is outshining me, the cutest tiny cat Viiru from Cat Cafe Purnauskis ♡

Hi darlings! ♥

I have done the most amazing collaboration with an indie lolita brand Long Ears and Sharp Ears' Studio from China and gotten a chance to model their amazing clothing pieces! ♡◡♡
I got a pile of posts to show you once I get them done, currently I'm very sick with a possible feverless pneumonia and waiting to get more examinations done next week. So taking my time, bare with me sweeties! (´。• ᵕ •。`)

This photoshoot we did in collaboration with LNSE and Sanni Saarenmaa Photography, on the same day we had this awesome pirate shoot, if you missed it, you'll find it here Pirate Lolita - The Great Voyage. This dress is from a newly finished Thorn Castle series collection and the one I am wearing is a Navy blue Vest JSK II, currently on pre-order. It is an early version, so some tiny details have been changed for the final version. I'm also wearing a black blouse from the same collection, it's one of the most comfy lolita blouses I've ever worn! Honestly! The material is super soft, the fit is great and it still looks super elegant. 

At the time I was still working at Cat Cafe Purnauskis, so I asked a permission so we could come take photos on a Sunday when the cafe was closed. There are two red couches, the "sharp ears" mean cat ears and I went to buy some rose pedals meant for crafting, these were the ingredients we used to build the photoshoot around the outfit. Sanni did an amazing job as usual and I think we had loads of fun. I got to be an elegant lolita having afternoon tea at a cat cafe with adult cats and kittens, can't think of many things that could be better! ♥

| Headpiece, Blouse & Dress: Long Ears and Sharp Ears' Studio |
| Hair: Countess wig by Gothic Lolita Wigs | Shoes: Bodyline |

Thorn Castle series

I'm wearing:

"Have you heard the legend about the enchanting black thorns wrapped around those tremendous iron gates? Touch the thorns of roses grown on the castle gate, and something extraordinary will happen…The scent of roses will drive the wounded man into the castle, and get lost in the endless corridor."

Behind the scenes

Let me tell you something about cats; most of them love to be a part of what you're doing, hang around you, check all the items that move and are new. Cats are supposed to be the center of attention, they are after all fluffy gods of the universe. You can imagine what it was like to move furniture around and try to take photos while there are 10 cats around, four of them kittens! At times it was very amusing. (≧◡≦)

Lumi (=Snow in finnish) was very interested about the softbox reflector, well it was a new interesting hiding place! She's very lady-like and social little girl. We placed a veil hanging from the cat's climbing tree and the cats got super excited about it! They tried to hunt the edges on the floor, hide underneath, climb it and whatever they could thing of. Had to take the cats down every once in a while or re-place the veil after they had been messing around with it. Luckily cats are super cute and even if they do something more or less forbidden or naughty, they will get away with it. ♥ Purrr~

Photos by Sanni Saarenmaa Photography

My honest opinion about the dress? I love it! The print is very majestic regal and I think it can be coordinated with many different styles..already got more ideas for this piece! ♡
I think you might have somehow noticed that I like things that are a bit different, same goes with this dress, because it's a vest dress. There are vests and vest-like coats in gothic lolita and ouji style, but I don't remember seeing something like this before and I'm loving that there is something new and different. Shaking things up a bit, perfect! 

Thanksies for visiting, happy to show these to you! (^―^)

❤~ Saija Sasetar

Sunday, November 6, 2016

OTT & Theme lolita being the outfit standard now? ✙ Halloween lolita meetup

Photo by Heini Illukka

Hi sweeties! ♥

Like every fashion style, lolita keeps evolving to new directions all the time. It started out as much simpler old school style, at one point simple and OTT (=over the top) sweet lolita was a thing, then it started to move more into a classic direction and now it's passed that. There are smaller things becoming the things, for example cat prints, nun lolita looks, forehead pearls, animal bags and countless of other stuff. Right now I have a feeling that OTT and theme lolita is somewhat popular, but has it gone too much to the outlines of lolita? 

These days social media is so huge, that there is this kind of social media pressure. Okay there are those who post just for their own joy, but mostly it's more or less untrue. It has become a competition! Who has the most likes, how many comments there is, someone has more followers than the other one and so on. Well of course people feel good about being liked, that's normal. If someone gets lots of compliments, then surely they will feel more confident. Still it should not be about the e-fame. SoMe can also make people feed bad if they don't get the response they want, if there is too little of it or perhaps it's negative. Either way it can have a huge impact on people's self esteem and confidence level. 

When browsing lolita outfit posts in facebook, tumblr or instagram, it makes me wonder if the standard level of lolita outfits has become a bit too much. The ones that are getting liked and shared the most are usually high quality photos, outfits are over the top, there are lots going on with a pricey dress and extravagant accessories or the amount of them. There are some exceptions though; simple well done classic lolita looks are usually liked and classic gothic style with Moitie. This is a rough scratch from the surface and does not apply to everything, just something I started thinking about around the Halloween.

F yeah lolita wrote something good btw:
It’s OK. You are not banned from dressing up in Lolita on certain days of the year if you don’t wear it the rest of the year. You can wear Lolita as a costume because you want to try it out in an environment where it is socially acceptable to wear a costume and you feel more comfortable trying out the fashion that way.

Be a Lolita for Halloween if you want to be one. Not a Witch Lolita or a Bunny Lolita or a Maid Lolita, just be a regular Lolita if that’s what you want. Lolita has managed to survive the past 20+ Halloweens and past 9 billion anime conventions without descending into costume anarchy. 

Has basic lolita become so ordinary, that every outfit needs to be extravagant? Yes it is fun to make awesome outfits, go through a lot of trouble for them, experiment with style, mix and match and show your creation to other people who will appreciate it. It is good to have lolita goals, inspiration, idols and a direction to improve the style towards to. But.... There doesn't always need to be a wow-factor, something that makes the outfit epic or special. It is good to remember the basics as well and just have fun with other lolitas and wear aesthetic wearable outfits. It's enough to enjoy wearing something pretty that one does enjoy, it doesn't have to be a theme outfit every time. I like to think that sometimes for special occasions like for example tea parties can have a more OTT themed outfit, because usually there is a theme for the event to get inspiration from. For everyday wear, meetups, shopping trips and such and even for the events and tea parties it is totally ok to wear something simpler. 

Everyone has their own style as well, someone likes more color, someone toned down, the other one simpler and some super exaggerated style. If you want to wear a chandelier on your head for buying groceries, then go ahead! If you want to wear a dress and a blouse to a family get together, then go ahead! It's your style and you decide! ♡ This is just me rambling about something that I've been thinking and perhaps I didn't lose my point while writing this without any plans really. x) The thing I would like to gotten through, that there should not be a standard to wear themed and ott lolita style all the time, it is not mandatory. Outfits can be well coordinated, worn beautifully and liked just the way they are. ♡

Photo by Heini Illukka
Photo by Heini Illukka

| French hood: made by me | Queen collar: made by me |
| Blouse: altered mix of a second hand blouse & HNHM sleeves |
| Dress: Maxicimam | Boots: Bodyline | Necklace: Restyle |

My outfit for this meetup is a theme lolita coordination. I made a simple black coord (calling it simple because there are nothing that black and a hint of purple) with my handmade accessories and the big sleeves to create an Evil Queen inspired coordination.

The french hood inspired headdress I made a year ago for a photoshoot and because I wanted to try this kind of historical Tudors era Renaissance headpiece. It's black velvet with hand sewn venetian lace and pearl beads. 

The collar is the one I made for Hellocon Tea Party this summer. It has an iron wire frame with black organza, some black fabric for the edges and hand sewn lace pieces.

The shoes are gotten at the time when there was a huge sale at Bodyline. I think they had some trouble, because heard that some got their orders canceled and it took quite a while to ship out mine. These are black gothic Bodyline boots s504 and at the time cost €18. The material is plastic, most likely PU leather. When using the shoes, they get these permanent wrinkles and the plastic is not really that warm or breathable material. Well they were cheap and they look good. Positively surprised how good they look and that they are not overly big around the leg. The only thing that actually bothers me, is how they are not curving enough from the front and when having them on, the leg pushes this wrinkle in front of the lacing. Hmm..okies I explained that really weirdly, hope you got the point. x)

I hope everyone has had a great Halloween!

Mine kind of passed without more than pumpkin carving, since been having the worst superflu-bronchitis-sinus infection-massive cough for over two weeks now. Luckily I got to dress up before the actual time (to me Halloween/Samhain/Kekri starts a week or two before the date and lasts week afterwards) for a spooky photoshoot and pre-halloween meetup that Rosa Nitida put together in Helsinki. 

For me it was a one day trip to Hki by train. Haven't been in a meetup there for a long time and was a fun change and got meet new people and see some friends. First we got together at the railway station, then headed to Kaisaniemi Botanic Garden to photoshoot out outfits. We had an actual photographer to take our pictures, big thanks to Heini Illukka for coming with us! ♡ The weather was quite chilly and we started to get hungry, so luckily we had a reservation for our big group of over 20 people at Fazer Cafe. Mmm.. I had some hot chocolate with rum, quiche with salad and a some cake, which I could not finish! My tummy was so full, but it felt so bad not to be able to eat it. Never happened to me before and hope it never happens again! O_O

Sini had the coolest gun shot wound!! Awsum ♡__♡

I spotted some Mana -shoothies before the meetup, I guess this meant that the day was approved and blessed by Mana-sama! ♡ ♡

Photo by Heini Illukka

Thank you lovelies! The day was so much fun and had such great vibes. 
Let's do it again soon! ♡

If you got some opinions and comments about theme, ott and costume like lolita or the topic in general, I would love to see them!
♡ Thanks for reading ♡

❤~ Saija Sasetar

Thursday, November 3, 2016

✝ Dying gothic deer photoshoot with Askar Ibragimov ✝

© Askar Ibragimov

Enjoying a moment of harmony and silence. The last colors slowly fading away, taking me with them into an eternity of peace in the darkness.

Hello darlings ♥

This summer we did this photoshoot together with Askar Ibragimov. We've been taking about working together on something for a while now and it was left to my brain to plan something. I had been thinking about this dark deer-like photoshoot I would like to do. 

The story behind the idea is a sad deer all on its own. It has no companions, the home forest is empty and silent. Everything seems like dead. The world around the deer stands still in total quietness. The deer in lonely and sad, soon to be dying. There is no hope or happiness. The deer is till a mighty creature of the magical forest, saying goodbyes. 

This is a combination of depression, loneliness and being left out. Lots of my personal feelings. One thing that has influenced into this, is the fact that so many forests are being taken down for the benefit of humans. Finnish forests are especially dear to me and they are continuously building around my home city, in places they should not. There is this big area right next to where we live to be taken down for new apartment complexes, but there is this new big area being done just near here. There is no need to destroy a new piece of the forest! Especially when there are nests and routes of flying squirrels, that need to be protected! The city has just accepted the plans for the area, but some nature associations are trying to make a complaint about it. Sorry for rambling about this so much, just red new turns about this and it made me very sad and angry. Nature protection is something I'm very passionate about. 

© Askar Ibragimov
 Feeling like falling, losing my grip, leaving behind. The isolation of being an outsider. Surrounded by darkness. The part where happiness came from seems to be locked away. The hole is getting deeper. The light barely seen anymore.

© Askar Ibragimov
Dance with the hidden language of the forest. 🍃

© Askar Ibragimov
| Horns: Deadfine.fi | Hair: Wig is fashion | Necklace: H&M |
| Blouse: Fan plus friend | Skirt: Corset story | Circle lenses: Uniqso |

© Askar Ibragimov

Behind the scenes

 Before and after photoshoot selfies~ ^_^

© Askar Ibragimov

We had an assistance with the light by a friend of the photographer. She really had to work to get the light to stay up. The place where we shot is a wide power line in the middle of the forest and there was some wind and that big of a hing definitely grabs the wind. 

We played with some corn syrup fake blood as well. It was super sticky and had all sorts of tiny pieces from the forest stuck in them! We tried to get this one shot of me lying in the ground, but I haven't really decided if the end result is working or not. Gotta give it time. For now it will stay unshown. Btw I got so many damn mosquito bites from this trip! They just love my blood. Think I counted 16 ones from my other ankle and leg only! They swell up a lot and are super itchy for a long time, at least a week, but usually longer. 

 Always goofing around and making faces, yup, that's me! x)

Let me know if you have any thoughts about this set,
would love to hear them! ♡

❤~ Saija Sasetar