Thursday, October 27, 2016

❀ Hellocon Tea party & Alice and the Pirates Vampire requiem outfit ❀ post 3/3 ❀

Moi murut ♡

Viimeisen Helloconin viimeinen postaus, eli sunnuntain Teekutsut! Jos missasit aiemmat postaukset tapahtumasta, ne löytyy täältä > The last Hellocon & Btssb fashion show. Hieman väsyneenä edellisillan jatkopippaloista Steam Helsingissä aloin aamusta laittautua teekutsuja varten. Children of the Night –Masquerade Ball pidettiin upeassa Hotelli Arthurin juhlasalissa, mikä on rakennettu yli 100 vuotta sitten alunperin kirkoksi. Treffasin Nitan kanssa rautatieaseman vieressä ja hipsuteltiin teekutsuja kohti, missä olikin jo jono lolitoja odottamassa sisälle pääsyä.

Harmittanut hieman kun nämä Hellocon postaukset ovat viistäyny, mutta tajusimpa, että just ihan mahtava aika tälle koska edessä on Halloween! ♥

Hi dearies ♡

The last post about Hellocon, which is about the Sunday's Tea party! If you missed the previous posts, you can find them here > The last Hellocon & Btssb fashion show. After being a little tired from the evening on the day before and the after party in Steam Helsinki, I started dressing up and putting on my makeup  for the tea party. The Children of the Night –Masquerade Ball was held in Hotel Arthur and their gorgeous ballroom, which was built over 100 years ago to originally be a church. I met with Nita next to the railway station and we walked together towards the tea party, where there was already a line of lolitas waiting to get in.

I've haven't been feeling that good about the lateness of these Hellocon posts, but then I just realized, that this is a great time to post this because Halloween is coming! ♥

Lolita on vakavaa touhua, mmjooo, no ei ole! >_< Samanhenkisten hassujen lolitaotusten kanssa on aina hauska derppailla. No onhan sitä välillä ihan hyvä näyttää myös elegantilta ja olikin aivan mahtavaa kuinka paljon ihanaisia oli hellocon teekutsuilla! Teekutsujen kokoa suurennettiin ihan sen vuoksi, että halukkaat pääsevät mukaan. Itse tapahtumapäivän touhun ja juoksemisen jälkeen on todella ihana ottaa rennosti, jutustella, syödä ja nauttia ohjelmasta ja ihmisistä. Nautin kyllä aina teekutsuista! Toivoisin että pääsisi enemmänkin ♥

Lolita is serious business, mmyeah, no it's not! >_< It's always fun to derp around with the same type of goody lolita beings. Well it's good to look elegant sometimes as well and it was just amazing how many lovely people were at the hellocon tea party! They expanded the size of the tea party so that as many as possible could attend. On the main event day there's always so much stuff to do and running around, that it's really nice to relax after it, be chatty, eat and enjoy the program and people. I always enjoy teaparties! Wish that I could attend more ♥

Me & Varis Varjo, I love her teeth! 

Tosi iso osa oli pukeutunut teeman mukaisesti ja todella panostaneet asujensa yksityiskohtiin! Koko tapahtuma olisi helposti kulunut siihen, että olisi vain halunnut tutkia esteettisiä asukokonaisuuksia ja ottaa esimerkiksi pää-asusteista kuvia. ♥

Such a big number of people had dressed according to the theme and really put effort into their outfit details! The whole event could have gone by while looking all the aesthetic outfit coordinations and for example take head-accessory pictures. ♥

Hellocon järjestäjät lavalla |  Hellocon organizers on stage

Me saatiin nauttia aivan tajuttoman kauniista esityksistä, uskomattoman seesteistä perinteistä japanilaista tanssia ja Elfien koskettava kuoleva joutsen baletti. *___*

Ohjelmaan kuului myös bingo, missä monet voittivat kaikenlaisia ihanuuksia (minä en tänäkään vuonna saanut mitään..möh) ja ainakin Suomen miiteistä perinteeksi muodostunut kehulappu ja koska kyseessä oli näin suuri väenpaljous, oman nimen ja tunnusmerkkien sijaan piti piirtää oma kuvansa. Apua! Laputhan toimii niin, että niitä sitten kierrätetään muilla ja kirjoitetaan kaikkien lappuihin positiivisia kommentteja asusta tai itse henkilöstä. Näin jokaiselle jää ihana muisto miitistä, tässä tapauksessa teekutsuilta, ja tulee höpistyä kaikkia mahtavia positiivisia asioita, mitä ei aina muista sanoa kasvotusten. Kierreltiin sikin sokin ja vaihdeltiin kortteja ihmisten kanssa, kenelle halusi kirjoittaa jotain.

Käytiin myös ottamassa kuvat Annan ja Masumi-sanin kanssa, jolloin saatiin Babyn toimitusjohtajan ja brändin perustajan Isobe-sanin nimmarit, koska hän ei päässyt paikalle sairastelun vuoksi.

We got to enjoy these amazingly beautiful performances, incredibly serene traditional Japanese dance and Elfie's touching dying swan ballet. *___* 

The program also included a bingo, where many won all kinds of lovely thingies (I didn't get anything this year either) and at least in Finnish meetups has become this almost like a tradition: complimentary notes and because of the amount of people, instead of one's name and hallmark, we had to draw our own picture. Help! The notes work like this: they are circled around at other people and then people write positive comments about the outfit or the person their self. This way everyone will have a lovely memory of the meetup, in this case tea party, and will have a chance to talk all those great positive things, that don't always remember to say to people's face. We circled around with our cards and changed with those people we wanted to write something about.

We also got to take our pictures with Anna and Masumi-san, when we got cards signed by Baby's CEO and co-founder Isobe-san, because he couldn't make it for being sick.

Sitten oli tällainen mun lolita-elämän upeimpia hetkiä! ♡ Kunniavieraan suosikkiasu ja tällä kertaa niitä oli kaksi; toinen Baby the Stars Shine Bright ja toinen Alice and the Pirates. Ensin oli vuorossa Aatp parhaiten pukeutunut, Masumi-san lähtee kävelemään lavalta valitsemaan henkilöä ja voi apua, se olen minä!!

Miltä tällainen kunnia sitten tuntuu? No minäpä kerron.. Menen vieläkin asiaa ajatellessa ja näitä kuvia katsoessa ihan hassuksi hihitteleväksi pikkutytöksi ja elehdin niin, että näytän kuin saisin jonkun kohtauksen. Samalla mun pään ajatukset kuullostaa jokseenkin tältä: skfjhsdjkfhsaogbairebln.
Musta tuntuu että en vieläkään osaa kirjoitaa mitään järkevää tästä, se on vaan jotain niin jättiläimäistä mulle, huh. No yritän kuitenkin. Teekutsuilla sitten seurasin Masumi-sania lavalle, missä hän kertoi valinnastaan ja Anastasia ihanasti käänsi tämän englanniksi. Muistan ainakin sen, että hän kertoi kuinka mielestään olin tehnyt asun omakseni ja omannäköiseksi. Tuo koko hetki meni mulla jossain ihan pilvilinnoissa leijuessa, olin sellaisessa sumussa. Tuo tilanne oli niin suuri yllätys ja jännitys ja onnellisuus, että mulla oli täysi työ yrittää olla itkemättä tai pyörtymättä ja mun jalat tärisi niiiiiiin paljon, että sain jännittää niitä kaikin voimin, ettei se näkyisi muille. Mun naama on ollut varmaan ihan ihme virneessä koko ajan. x)
Babyn lemppariasun voitti Lauren, jolla taitaa olla näitä kunnioita eri bärndeiltä jo aikas monta. Hän hoiti homman varmasti paljon kauniimmin kuin minä omassa möhköilyssäni! >_<

Älyttömän upea juttu tässä oli se, että molemmat saatiin palkinnoksi asut! Holy jebus!! ♥ ♥

Then there is one of my most amazing lolita-life moment! ♡ The guest of honor choosing their favorite outfit and this time there were two: one for Baby the Stars Shine Bright and one for Alice and the Pirates. First one was the Aatp best dressed, Masumi-san starts walking from the stage to pick the person and oh my god, it is me!!

What does an honor like this feel like? Well let me tell you.. Still at this point when thinking about it and sawing these pictures, I turn into this giggly little girl and making gestures, that make me look like I'm having some seizure. At the same time the thoughts in my head sound something like this: skfjhsdjkfhsaogbairebln. I'm still feeling like I can't write anything about this that makes sense, it was just something so huge to me, huh. Well at least I'll try. At the tea party I followed Masumi-san to the stage, where she told about her choice and Anastasia translated it into English. At least I remember the part where she told me how in Masumi-san's opinion I had made the outfit in a whole look of my own. For that whole moment I was floating in the clouds and in this kind of blur. That moment was such a huge surprise and excitement and happiness, that I had to work hard not to cry or faint and my legs were shaking sooooo much, that it took loads of strength to tense them, so it wouldn't show to others. My face must have been in some pretty weird grin for the whole time. x)
Baby's best dressed one was Lauren, who might have these honors quite a few from different brands. I'm sure she handled it much more gracefully than me in my own weirdness. >_< 

The absolutely incredible part in this is the fact that we both got outfits as prizes! Holy Jebus!! ♥ ♥

♥ Mun Aatp palkinto  |  My Aatp prize ♥
Alice and the Pirates regimental stripe vest & skirt in green

Vampire Requiem Queen

Päähine, kaulus, takki & nilkkaimet~  itse tehty
Headpiece, collar, jacket & spats~  made by me
Hame / Skirt~  Alice and the Pirates - Vampire Requiem high waist skirt
Kengät / Shoes~  Bodyline
Peruukki / Wigs~  Wig is Fashion
Choker~  Restyle

Kun kuulin teekutsujen teeman aloin hiukan miettimään mitähän sitä alkaisi laittamaan päälle. Teema innosti päästämään goottiuteni ulos ja koska ainoa Aatp vaate silloin kaapissa oli tämä Vampire Requiem korkeavyötäröinen hame, asu oli selvä: vampyyri! Idea sai jäädä muhimaan pääkoppaan ja jossain kohtaa kaikki palaset loksahti paikalleen. Helloconin teekusujen asut olen yleensä ommellut kokonaan itse, mutta nyt sitten vain osan. 

Mun masennus alkoi tuohon aikaan aika pahasti ja kun tätä aloin väkertämään taas siinä viikkoa aiemmin kamalassa kiireessä, oli se aikas kamalaa. Itkin monta kertaa asua tehdessäni, aina kun jotain meni pieleen, se tuntui toivottomalta maailmanlopulta. Samoihin aikoihin ihmiset alkoivat myös puhumaan omista asu-suunnitelmista ja moni postaili kuvia testaillessaan vampyyrihampaita. No sehän harmitti mua tosi paljon, koska ajattelin saaneeni hyvän idean ja nyt kaikki muutkin on vampyyreja ja mulla ei ole mitään muuta minkä kanssa coordata asua! Ja taas itkettiin ja loppujen lopuksi jätin omat hampaatkin pois kokonaan. Meinasin jo luovuttaa, mutta jollain voimalla sain itseni tekemään kaiken valmiiksi. Lopputuloksena oli bolero takki, kuningatar organza-pitsikaulus, röyhelö nilkkaimet ja päähine, missä on oikea lepakko luuranko. Nimesin sen Pentiksi. Pentti oli oikein mahtava herrasmies-kavaljeeri.  Olen lepakko vampyyri kuningatar! Kyllä kannatti nähdä vaivaa. ^_^

Oli muuten järkyttävän vaikeaa löytää kangasta mätsäämään tuon hameen kanssa! Tämä oli ainoa lähellekään sopiva koko kangaskaupassa! o_o
..tarvii tehdä kuvaukset tällä lookilla, koska loppujen lopuksi tykkään millainen kokonaisuus tästä kasautui. ♡

When finding out the theme of the tea party I naturally started thinking about what to wear. The theme made my gothic self wanting to come out and because my only Aatp piece in the closet was this Vampire Requiem high waist skirt, the outfit was clear: a vampire! The idea got to slowly get ready in my head and at some point all the pieces fell into places. Usually I've sewn my Hellocon tea party outfits all by myself, but now then only a part of it.

My depression started at that point really badly and when started to work on this again about a week before in a horrible rush, it was pretty awful. I cried several times when making this outfit, every time when something went wrong, it felt like a hopeless end of the world. Around that time people started to talk about their outfit plans and many posted pictures while trying on their vampire teeth. Well this made me feel very bad, because I thought I've had a good idea and now everyone else is going to vampires and I don't have anything else to coordinate my outfit! And then was crying again and in the end left my teeth out of the outfit. Was almost giving up, but with some strength pushed myself to finishing everything. The final result had a bolero jacket, queen organza-lace collar, pair of ruffle spats and a headpiece, which has a real bat skeleton. I named it Pentti, a typical dorky Finnish male name. I'm a bat vampire queen! All the trouble really payed off. ^_^

Btw it was horrible trying to find a fabric to match the skirt! This was the only one in the entire fabric store, that was even close enough. o_o
...gotta do a proper photoshoot with this look, because after all I'm really happy how it came out. ♡

Kiitos kaikille tuosta ihanan taianomaisesta viikonlopusta! ♥
Thank you everyone for that lovely magical weekend! ♥

❤~ Saija Sasetar

Saturday, October 15, 2016

♡ Milloin ja missä käyttää lolitaa? ♥ When and where to wear lolita? ♡

Moi ihanuudet ♥

Usein kuulee ihmisten puhuvan ja näkee kirjoittavan, ettei ole tilaisuuksia käyttää lolitavaatteita. No milloin ja missä niitä ihania röyhelöitä voisi käyttää? Oikeasti...ihan milloin ja missä vain! On olemassa ihmisiä, niin sanottuja lifestyle-lolitoja, jotka pukeutuvat ihan päivittäin lolitaan. Se vaihtelee paljon lolitojen keskuudessa, että onko tyyli jokapäiväistä, sillon tällöin päälle pantavaa tai erikoisten tilanteiden juhlavaatteita. Itse koen ettei ole syytä miksei lolitaa voisi laittaa päälle silloin kun haluaa. Sitä voi tehdä ihan kotona, käydä lähikaupassa tyllit hameen alla, tehdä kävelyn puistoon, vierailla kirjastossa, poiketa teelle tai kahville, nähdä ystäviä. Ihan mitä vaan! Lolitassa löytyy värejä ja tyylejä iso variaatio, joten sitä voi laittaa ihan vaikka hautajaisiinkin ja muihin epätavallisiin tilaisuuksiin. Sitä voi myös sekoittaa muiden tyylien kanssa. Ainoan asian mitkä näen itse esteenä, on käytännöllisyys. Se voi olla esimerkiksi työpaikalla tai harrastuksissa. En usko että kukaan haluaa lähteä lapioimaan vaikka hevosen jätteitä pinkissä röyhelömekossa. x) Muussa tapauksessa on oikeastaan lähinnä vain laiskuutta ja tekosyitä. Kyllä näihin lankean joskus itsekin. :P

Hello lovelies ♥

You often hear people talking and see writing about the fact, that there are not opportunities to wear lolita clothing. Well where and when can one put on those lovely ruffles? Honestly..whenever and where-ever! There are people, so called lifestyle-lolitas, who wear lolita on daily bases. It varies a lot among lolitas that is it everyday clothing, sometimes or special occasion clothes. I feel that there are no reason why lolita couldn't be worn when one wants to. It can be done at home, visit the nearby groceries store with petticoats under the skirt, do a walk in the park, visit the library, stop by for tea or coffee, see friends. What every you want! Lolita has many colors and styles, so it can be worn even to a funeral and other unusual occasions. It can also be mixed with other styles. The only thing I see as an obstacle is practicality. It could be for example at a workplace or with hobbies. I don't think anyone wants to go shovel horse manure in a pink frilly dress. x) Other than that, there is mostly laziness or excuses. Yes I fall into these sometimes myself as well. :P 

| Dress:  Alice and the Pirates - Kitten's Wonder night Tea Party | Boots:  Bodyline |

Aloin miettimään tätä asiaa jälleen eilen, kun lähdin käymään pikaisesti kaupungilla hakemaan mun uudet silmälasit. Mulla on siis ihan ok näkö ja en aina käytä laseja, mutta kaukonäköön saatiin vähän lisää teräväpiirtoa tarkastuksella ja uusilla laseilla. Näkee nyt bussien numerot ja monet tekstit vähän kauempaakin. ^_^
Olisin voinut heittää niskaan ne tavalliset rennot leggingsit ja jonkun mukavan yli-ison takin, sellainen nuhruinen vanha hippihuppari on mun lemppari. Kävelyyn sopii parhaiten rumat lenkkarit, minkälaisia nuorempana en olisi missään nimessä suostunut laittamaan jalkaan julkisille paikoille! Vaatehuoneen ovessa on roikkunut pari mekkoa, mitkä kesällä ostin ja kumpaakaan en ole vielä käyttänyt. Ohimennessä vain ihastellut. Kun kerran vaatehuone on pullollaan kauniita ja esteettisiä vaatteita, niin miksen laittaisi niitä päälle. Kerrankin ei ollut aikataulua ja sain rauhassa haahuilla aamupäivän, meikata ja penkoa asuun sopivia osia. Näitä ei ollut suoraan mielessä, koska ruskea ja tummansininen on omalla kohdalla oudommat värit lolitassa. Tuli kuitenkin kiva kokonaisuus ja tunsin oloni aika moderniksi lolitaksi tällaisen uudehkon printtimekon kanssa. ♡ 

I started thinking about this topic again yesterday, when I went to quickly stop by at the city center to pick up my new glasses. My vision is ok btw and I don't wear glasses all the time, but got some high definition to my distant vision with a checkup and new pair of glasses. Now I can see the bus numbers and many texts from a bit further away. ^_^
I could have just threw on the regular comfy leggings and some nice overly large coat, the kind of worn out old hippie hoodie is my favorite. The best suitable for walking are ugly sneakers, the kinds that I would have not be caught dead in when I was younger! On my closet's door there has been hanging a couple of dresses which I bought this summer, but neither have I used yet. Just admired when passing by. Because the walk in closet is full of beautiful and aesthetic clothing, why not wear some of them. For once I had no schedule and got to take my time during the morning, put on makeup and find pieces to fit my outfit. These were not already thought of in my mind, since brown and dark blue are more unfamiliar colors to me in lolita. In the end the coordination turned out pretty nice and felt like quite modern lolita with a print dress as new as this one. ♡

Uskalla olla oma itsesi, erilainen tai sellainen kuin haluat! 

Dare to be yourself, different or the kind you want to be!

Omalla kohdalla koen rajoittavaksi tekijäksi lolita kanssa monet arkiset asiat. Ihan sellaiset asiat, kuin kauppareissut, mistä raahaan ruokaa itsekseni mulle ja tyttärelle, ulkoilut pikkuneidin kanssa, ihan leikkipuistossa tai metsässä, sen ettei ole autoa tai kyytiä, matkustaessa roudaan kahden ihmisen kamat yksin, joudun nostamaan tyttöäni syliin ja auttamaan usein pukemisessa. Tämmöisissä tilanteissa lolita on usein epäkäytännöllistä, likaantuu helposti, itselle voi tulla hiki, asu on konkreettisesti tiellä ja monesti ei yksinkertaisesti ole aikaa, kun tässä laitan vaikka aamusta aamupalat ja sitten pikkuneidille vaatteet valmiiksi ja muita pakollisia asioita.

Haluan kuitenkin käyttää rakkaita kauniita vaatteitani aina kun se vain on mahdollista ja yritän itse vaikuttaa asiaan ja luoda tilaisuuksia. Joskus se on haastavaa. Pukeutuminen ja oma näkyvä ulkomuotoni on ollut esiteini-iästä asti yksi itseilmaisun muoto. Saan käyttää mielikuvitusta ja luovuuttani, sekä purkaa mahdollisesti olotiloja tai peittää niitä. Se voi kuullostaa hyvin pinnalliselta jonkun korvaan, mutta laittautuminen piristää usein ja tulee sisäisestikin parempi olo. ♡

Jos yksin ei uskalla lähteä hieman massasta poikkeavana ulkoilemaan, niin voi ottaa kaverin mukaan. Kaverin ei tarvitse olla samaa tyylisuuntaa tietenkään, mutta henkiseksi tueksi siihen asti, että uskaltaa vaikka ihan itsekin. Ihmisten tuijottamiseen tottuu kyllä ja yhtä tapausta lukuunottamatta on omalla kohdalla tullut vain positiivista palautetta!

In my case I find many everyday casual stuff restrictive with lolita. Thinks like visiting a groceries store, from where I bring home food for me and my daughter, when being out in the playground or in the forest with my babygirl, the fact that I don't have a car or a ride, when traveling I carry stuff for two alone, I have to pick up my daughter and sometimes help putting on clothes. In these kind of situations lolita is often unpractical, gets dirty easily, might get sweaty, the outfit is concretely in the way and many times there simply is no time, like in the morning I make breakfast and then check clothes for my daughter and other mandatory things.

I still want to wear my precious pretty clothes whenever it is possible and I try to affect it myself and create opportunities. Sometimes it's very challenging. Dressing up and my visible appearance has been a way to express myself since I was a preteen. I get to use my imagination and creativity, also to let out my emotions and feelings or to hide them. It might sound very superficial to someone, but dressing up can be very refreshing and starting to feel better on the inside as well. ♡

If it is too intimidating to go out looking a bit different than most people, you can ask a friend to go with you. The friend does not have to be the same style as you, but as an emotional support until there's enough confidence to do it alone. One will get used to people staring and except one time on my case, all the feedback had been positive!

Ideoita ja innostusta missä ja milloin voi pukeutua ja käyttää lolitaa:

♡ Miitti  (jos ei sellaisia ole, järjestä..valitse paikka ja ilmoita aika, niin yksinkertaista)
♡ Tapahtuma  (vaikka kalamarkkinat)
♡ Kirjastossa käynti
♡ Ystävien näkeminen kotona/ulkona
♡ Ulkona syöminen
♡ Elokuvissa, teatterissa yms käynti
♡ Kaupungilla kiertely
♡ Shoppailureissu
♡ Uusi mekko/paita/hattu/peruukki/alushame..
♡ Uusien kenkien sisäänajo
♡ Asukuvien ottaminen/photoshootti
♡ Prinsessafiilis
♡ Poikaystävän/tyttöystävän näkeminen
♡ Some-kanavien päivitys
♡ Vastaantulevien ihmisten päivän piristys
♡ Käynti apteekissa, virastossa tai missä tahansa ulkona!
♡ Paketin hakeminen postista
♡ Syntymäpäivät tai muut juhlat
♡ Yksin kakun nauttiminen
♡ Vapaapäivä
♡ Juhlapäivät
♡ Peli-ilta
♡ Kaunis päivä
♡ Vitutus
♡ Keikka
♡ Tekee mieli leikkiä meikeillä
♡ Kouluun meno
♡ Joku väri inspiroi
♡ Näit elokuvan/luit kirjan mikä inspiroi
♡ Vuodenajan vaatetuksen esille ottaminen
♡ Kävely ulkona
♡ Valmiiksi saatu asuste tai vaate

Ideas and inspiration to when and where to dress up and wear lolita:

♡ A meetup (if there isn't any, organize..choose a place and announce the time, that simple)
♡ An event (like a fair or a market)
♡ Visiting the library
♡ Seeing friends at home/out
♡ Eating out♡ Going to the movies, theater etc
♡ Strolling in the city
♡ Shopping trip
♡ A new dress/blouse/hat/wig/petticoat..♡ Trying new shoes
♡ Taking outfit pictures/photoshoot
♡ Feeling like a princess
♡ Seeing your boyfriend/girlfriend
♡ Updating some-channels
♡ Brightening up the day of people passing by
♡ Visiting the pharmacy, an office or whenever out!
♡ Getting a package from the post office
♡ A birthday or other party
♡ Eating cake by yourself
♡ A day off
♡ Celebration days
♡ A game night
♡ A beautiful day
♡ Being pissed off
♡ Going to a gig
♡ Wanting to play with makeup
♡ Going to school
♡ A color is inspiring 
♡ You saw a movie/read a book that inspired
♡ Taking out seasonal clothes
♡ Taking a walk
♡ A finished clothing or an accessory 

Kertokaa mulle teidän ajatuksia! Mitkä on teidän lemppari aikoja tai tilaisuuksia pukeutua kauniisti? Olisi ihana kuulla niitä ♡

Share your ideas with me! What are your favorite times or occasions to dress up beautifully? I would love to hear them 

❤~ Saija Sasetar

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

❀ Hellocon ~ Baby the Stars Shine Bright fashion show ❀ post 2/3 ❀

Hi dearies ♥

I just noticed, this there are almost 400 posts in this blog! Woah! I think we should celebrate it somehow!! What would you like? All ideas are welcome...giveaway, a video of your choice, something something.. Let me know in the comment section. There's no such thing as a bad idea!

Then to the actual topic of this post: Baby the Stars Shine Bright fashion show at Hellocon and I was a part of it! ◉◡◉ I applied as a model for the fashion shows and got an email, that I had been chosen to be in the BtSSB fashion show! I couldn't believe it..omg! Then the email said I couldn't tell it publicly to anyone yet. When I saw my friend Nita when she was visiting Tampere, she kind of quietly asked me if I had heard anything from Hellocon about the model application and we both told that we had been picked. Wohoo! ♡ ♡

Hellocon 2016 ♡ Baby the Stars Shine Bright & Kano Masumi

"Ver Placidum」 means "Peaceful spring" in Latin. It's the happy flower showers which pour on you. This one piece dress is the dress which was made under the image of the flower fairy which cast a spell on you. This dress was designed with a wish that happy time which is like flowers in full bloom will visit the girls who wear it." -Lolibrary

They dressed me up in this amazing and gorgeously detailed one piece dress called: Ver Placidum Mille Fleur. It's has been a made to order set, which includes the actual one piece dress, a ribbon veil and flower combs. In Gothic Lolita Bible  vol. 58 the cost for this is said to be 180 000 yen, that's around 1500€!! I feel very honored that I had a chance to wear such a beautiful piece. It was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity and one of the most fabulous lolita moments of my life. ♡

BtSSB Fashion Show videos

We had a few rehearsals to practice our posing and walking, in the evening on the previous day and then again on the event day. No matter how much I will practice or go on the stage, it still frightens me every time and I'm shaking so bad and my heart is pounding. When you're on stage, it feels like you've been there forever, but really it's such a short time. It's like the time passing by is different for the one on the stage and the one watching you. I tried to repeat in my head "slow, go slowly, slooowly, don't rush, go slowly". When entering the stage I remembered it, but then somewhere in the middle I kind of forgot it and started to rush a bit. I can see it in the video. Been giving myself kind of a hard time because of it, but I wish it went well. ♡

The fashion show had a first part with Alice and the Pirated clothing and then Baby the Stars Shine Bright clothing. There were such amazing pieces and would have wanted to get many of them! I was planning to buy a pair of pink princess shoes, but they had none for sale or bags either. I guess the shoes that models were wearing, were meant for shows and photoshoots. When we were rehearsing Masumi-san said to me that my posing was very elegant. Waaah~ It made me so happy! 

The Prince and The Princess

Me and Nita backstage. ♥ She had a really nice ouji outfit very wearable, but still fabulous. Do I even need to say that I felt like a fairy tale lolita princess? Well I did! I grew into liking the dress a lot, it was very comfy to wear with that kind of cut and the movement of the dress was very pretty. The color was beautiful, I love blue and pastels, so it was a great fit. To be honest this was the first time I felt that I looked good in an a-line sack dress. 

We were goofing around at the backstage about this dress being a pregnancy wedding dress, when you don't want your family to know about it. I was also moving around like I was a jellyfish. It's not such serious business, gotta have some fun as well. Hihih~  ◠‿   ◠

Ladies and a gentleman, you were all amazing! Thank you for a beautiful fashion show ♡‿   
I'm so grateful and happy to have been a part of it!

❤~ Saija Sasetar

Friday, October 7, 2016

❀ The last Hellocon 2016 ❀ post 1/3 ❀

Hi lovely cutiepie followers ♡

I feel like writing in English again, even though was just taking with people, that sometimes it's really difficult when can't find the equivalent word. Nah..gonna do this anyways! My english is not that bad, at least in my own opinion. :P

So this summer was the fourth and last Helsinki Lolita Convention, in short Hellocon. I have been in every one of them and last year helped with the organizing as well. This year I wanted to enjoy the event and not have too many engagements. Thought I did end up having one, an amazing one, but posting about it in a entry of it's own. Had time to do some shopping, talk to people, take pictures and even see some program. Yay! ◠◡◠

This year the event was in a new place and it worked nicely. The organizers did a great job and Hellocon was a success. The the theme was enchanting and elegant rose garden and the guest of honor the legendary Baby the Stars Shine Bright! We had the honor to have a BtSSB designer Kano Masumi at the event, but sadly the co-founder and CEO Akinori Isobe couldn't make it because of sudden sickness and had to stay in Japan. 

The Swedish Kawaii Ambassador Anastasia who translated Q&A moment with Masumi-san.
Masumi-san had a BtSSB shop girl Anna with her to help out. She was very sweet and told us to come say hi, if people we'll visit Japan.

There was a Lolita Project Runway, where some of the designers present at Hellocon, had to make outfits for their volunteer models from some various weird materials. I only saw a little glimpse when they started to make the outfits and partially some other programs as well. I had to be in a rehearsal and dressing up backstage, so missed some things, but have no regrets. Wish I had been able to participate in bow tying contest though. Would have been fun, but I'm happy someone I know won it!

Psst..I'll be in a new fashion and music related event called Aicon this weekend. Very excited to see what it will be like! ♡

Something from the designer's fashion show.. Belladonna, Eat me Ink me, Mossbadger, Illves, Chiringo...

A couple of Hellocon organizers picked out a few looks as the best outfit contestants and they picked two winners for it. Sorry about my crappy indoors phone picture quality. (if anyone can suggest a phone with a good and sharp camera and selfie cam, will be happy to know) Our very own Finnish ballerina lolita Elfie made a beautiful choreography for the Frog Prince play. I'm happy got to see a part of it live. Cloudberry Lady made beautiful clothing and accessories especially for this play. 

Anna Salo Photography

It was awesome to say hi to so many lovely ladies! ♡ I'm a bit awkward sometimes, but underneath it I'm actually very happy most of time. During Hellocon my depression started kicking in earlier on the same week, but I managed to enjoy myself despite of it. It was so lovely to meet Christy again, she was so cute, my favorite looks at the main event! She also brought me super yummy chocolate. ◠◡◠ I finally met Ventovir and Varis Varjo for the first time in real life! Been following both of their blogs for years and talked to online. Feels kind of surreal really, when you meet the actual talking and moving person. Awesomness! 

My Hellocon pink flower outfit 

Honeycomb Flower JSK & Cardigan set 

Dress & cardigan~  Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Blouse~  Lindex
Shoes~  Bodyline
Bag~  H&M
Hat~  Decorated by me
Ringlets~  Gothic Lolita Wigs

Baby the Stars Shine Bright is probably my first favorite lolita brand. I did fall in love with the oldschool style back the days and been loving their style ever since! If you have been following my blog for a longer time, you know I love simple style, solid colors and old school lolita. This is the reason I wanted to wear this main piece from BtSSB to honor our special guest and to match the a little bit with the flowers and all, also to be true to my color: Pink! ♡

This dress is called Honeycomb Flower and the jumperskirt has a matching cardigan. This set dates back to 2004! I was super lucky to find it Japan Yahoo auctions and when decided I was going to wear it in Hellocon, I was storing it in my wardrobe for a while. I had actually seen this dress in while at my friend's place and really liked it, especially because of the honeycomb style fabric that feels really nice and because of the crocheted flowers. Very happy dress owner now! ◠◡◠

Above is my Hellocon haul, if you can call it that. I had prepared to spend more at the main event and buy a dress or a skirt. The ones that I actually wanted, were too expensive. *sob* Did manage to find some really nice jewelry and accessories, a summer blouse, second hand tights and a black long ega skirt. I'm happy with these, even if it felt a bit weird afterwards without a bigger purchase, but to think of it, have never really shopped that much at Hellocon. I wonder why... it's a mystery! 

I really hope there will be some Hellocon related event in 2017, even if it would not be a big convention. ♡

❤~ Saija Sasetar