Hei ihanaiset đŒ
Mukavaa syksyn alkua ja tsemppiĂ€ kaikille opiskelunsa alottaneille! ♡
Ennen ilmojen viilentymistĂ€ ehdittiin kĂ€ydĂ€ ihanalla iltapĂ€ivĂ€kĂ€velyllĂ€ puutarhamökki alueella ihastelemassa kukkia ja ottamassa kuvia suloisen Museum of Fairy mekon kanssa, merkiltĂ€ Long Ears and Sharp Ears' Studio. Olen ihan ihastunut tĂ€hĂ€n kangaspalojen yhdistelmÀÀn, se on kokonaisuudessaan todella söpö ja tummempi punainen ja vaaleanpunainen luovat yhdessĂ€ kauniin kontrastisen kokonaisuuden. MitĂ€ enemmĂ€n mekkoa katsoo, sitĂ€ enemmĂ€n löytÀÀ siitĂ€ yksityiskohtia. Printti on uskomattoman tarkasti tehty ja tykkÀÀn tutkailla sitĂ€ itsekseni. TyttĂ€renkin kanssa ollaan yhdessĂ€ katsottu mitĂ€ kaikkea siinĂ€ on. Monta koordinaatiota jo mielessĂ€. (◠‿◠)
Hi lovelies đŒ
Wishing you a nice start of the fall season and good luck to everyone who started their studies! ♡
Before the weather got colder, we had a chance to go for a lovely afternoon stroll in this garden cottage area admiring flowers and taking pictures with my adorable Museum of Fairy dress, from the brand Long Ears and Sharp Ears' Studio. I'm totally in love with it. In it's entirety the dress is really cute and the darker red and light pink create a beautiful contrasting bigger picture together. The more one looks at the dress, the more they can find details from it. The print is amazingly detailed and well done, really like to explore it by myself. We've been looking all the things we can find with my daughter as well. Got already many coordinations in mind. (◠‿◠)
Photography by Jaakko MÀkelÀ | J.Duktig
Paikassa oli upea tunnelma, oli arkipĂ€ivĂ€ ja hieman hiljaista. Monet olivat palanneet jo arkeen. IĂ€kkÀÀmpiĂ€ rouvia ja herroja vilahteli touhuamassa puutarhojensa kimpussa. ErÀÀn rouvan lepohetkeĂ€ mehujen tekemiseltĂ€ kĂ€vin hĂ€iritsemĂ€ssĂ€ kohteliaasti oveen koputtamalla, ettĂ€ sain kysyttyĂ€ saisimmeko kuvata hĂ€nen mökkinsĂ€ kauniissa pihassa. TĂ€mĂ€ ja erĂ€s toinenkin mökin omistaja antoivan mieluusti luvan ja saimme hyödyntÀÀ heidĂ€n ihania pihoja ja puutarhoja. Tuollaisessa paikassa oleminen sai tietenkin entistĂ€ enemmĂ€n haaveilemaan omasta puutarhamökistĂ€, metsĂ€mökistĂ€ ja siitĂ€ ihan omasta talosta. VielĂ€ jonain pĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€ saan istuttaa hyötykasveja, koristella taloani ja hoitaa monenmoisia elĂ€viĂ€ otuksia pihallani. ♥
The place had an amazing atmosphere, it was a weekday and a little bit quiet. Many had already returned to their everyday lives. Could see some older ladies and gentlemen working on their gardens. I went to disturb the rest break from making juice of this one lady by politely knocking on the door, so that I could ask if we could get her permission to take pictures on her beautiful yard. She and another lady gave us their blessings and we got to use their lovely yards and gardens. When being in a place like that of course made me dream even more than already did about a garden cottage, a cabin in the woods and that house of our very own. You'll see, some day I get to plant useful plants, decorate our house and take care of many kind of living creatures in our yard. ♥
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| Blouse~ Lolita Collective | Dress: Long Ears and Sharp Ears' Studio - Museum of Fairy |
| Shoes~ Irregular Choice | Parasol~ Btssb | Hair~ Gothic Lolita Wigs - Rhapsody |
Huomaatko kuinka mekossa on korea lintu, ruusuja, steampunk henkinen pupu ja silinteriĂ€ kĂ€yttĂ€vĂ€ kissa? EntĂ€pĂ€ huomasitko suuren kellon edessĂ€, kissan ja pupun muotoiset sydĂ€n-avainreiĂ€t? NĂ€itkö kaikki pienet helmet ja kiehurat, entĂ€pĂ€ steam-henkiset ruusut ja rataspyörĂ€t? Ihan muuten vaan en hehkuta tĂ€tĂ€ mekkoa, se on todellakin upea ja yksityiskohtainen! ♡
YlÀosan vaaleanpunaisen osion saa myös halutessaan pois, jos vaikka paitaa olisi kiva saada enemmÀn nÀkyviin. Saan tÀstÀ mekosta oikeasti niin monta erilaista vibaa! Mahtavaa! :D
TĂ€llĂ€ kertaa halusin hyödyntÀÀ mekon valkoisia osia ja yhdistellĂ€ niiden kanssa valkoista kesĂ€istĂ€ röyhelöÀ. Bonuksena ihanasti mĂ€tsÀÀvĂ€t Irregular Choisen kengĂ€t! NĂ€mĂ€ ovat ensimmĂ€inen parini mitĂ€ ostin ja nyt omistan jo neljĂ€t. ♡
Can you see the gorgeous details on the dress; the handsome bird, roses, steampunk styled bunny and a top hat wearing cat? How about the huge clock in the front, cat and bunny shaped heart-keyholes? Did you notice all the little pearls and twirly thingies, how about the steam-styled roses and wheels? I'm not hyping this dress just for the fun of it, it truly is gorgeous and detailed! ♡
The pink part from the top can be removed if wanted, for example if the blouse of the outfit is something that wants to be more visible. I'm really getting so many vibes from this dress! Awesome! :D
This time I wanted to make use of the white parts of the dress and combine white summer-like frills with them. As a bonus a lovely matching pair of shoes from Irregular Choice! These are the first pair I bought and now already owning four ones. ♡
Luulempa ettei ole yllÀtys ollenkaan se sellainen juttu, ettÀ ihastuin kahteen vaaleanpunaiseen mökkiin. Toinen oli kylmempi sÀvyinen, mutta paikassa oli hyvÀ energia, ja tÀmÀ minkÀ edessÀ kuvattiin, oli hieman lÀmpöisempi, vaikka pinkki on muutenkin kylmÀsÀvyinen luonnostaan. Mökin omistaja tuli ihan kurkkaamaan, kun me kuvailtiin, oli oikein innoissaan meidÀn touhuista. Onneksi tulikin, sillÀ kuvaaja meinasi polttaa itsensÀ sellaiseen kasviin nimeltÀ Mooseksen palava pensas! Kukinnot olivat kasvista jo menneet, mutta se kaiketi polttaa vielÀkin. Huh! PelÀstyin jo ihan omistajan reaktiosta, ettÀ nyt pian tuhotaan jotain hyvin harvinaista kasvia ja sen lÀhelle ei saa mennÀ, mutta syy olikin ihmisen suojeleminen, ei kasvin. SiitÀ saa kuulemma ihan kunnon palovammat. Hui sentÀÀn. En haluaisi sellaista kasvia kyllÀ lÀhellekÀÀn pihaani, sellainen koheli kun olen, ettÀ varmasti siihen huitaisisin. x)
I think this one thing is not a surprise at all, the fact that I fell in love with two pink cottages. The other one had a colder tone of colour, but the place had a good energy and this one of which we took pictures in front of, was a bit warmer toned, even though pink is anyways a cold toned colour by nature. The owner of the cottage came to see us photoshooting, she was very excited about our doings. Luckily she came, because the photographer almost burned himself into this bush called The burning bush of Moses! The flowers had already withered away, but apparently it still burns. Huh! Got scared by the reaction of the lady, that we almost ruined some extremely sensitive rare plant and no one should go near it, but in fact the reason was to protect the person, not the plant. From what I heard, the plant will give actual burns. Oh damn. Would never want a plant like that anywhere near my yard, I'm such a person, that would surely hit my hand or leg or even face to it. x)
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Mekaaninen taskukello | Mechanical pocket watch~ Bard & Jester |
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Just sitting here, waiting for my prince~ ♥ |
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When I've had too much reality, I open a book. ♥ |
Onko ihmiset jo ihan syksy-fiiliksissÀ?
Itse nautin monesta asiasta jokaisessa vuodenajassa, mutta terveimpĂ€nĂ€ olen kesĂ€aikaan ja palelen aina muutenkin, joten nautin lĂ€mmöstĂ€. KylmĂ€ ja kostea ei sovi tĂ€lle keholle. Onneksi syksyssĂ€ on kauniita vĂ€rejĂ€ ennen harmauden saapumista, tummia iltoja, kynttilöitĂ€ ja Halloweeen!! ♥
Are people already feeling the autumn?
(it's already around +8 to +15℃)
I do enjoy many things in every season, but during summertime I'm the most healthy and anyways I'm always cold, so I enjoy the warmth. My body is not build of cold and humid weather. Luckily there are beautiful colours in autumn before the greyness arrives, dark evenings, candles and Halloween!! ♥
❤~ Saija Sasetar
Kun olet ÀÀrrimmÀisen ampiaispelkoinen ja ympÀrillÀ on paljon kukkia ja lÀmmin pÀivÀ. VÀlillÀ kuvaaja kiltisti nosti rusettiani nurmikolta, kun itse kiljuin ja juoksin niin, ettei muulla vÀliÀ. x)
When you're extremely afraid of bees and there are lots of flowers around and a warm day. The photographer was nice enough to pick up my bow from the lawn, when I was screaming and running like nothing else matters. x)
Ihana mekko todellakin, et liikaa hehkuttanut :) Ja niin kauniita nÀmÀ kuvat jÀlleen! Mooseksen palavan pensaan lisÀksi kannattaa myös varoa jÀttiputkia, ne voivat aiheuttaa samantyyppisiÀ palovammoja.
ReplyDeleteKiitoksia paljon ihanainen ♥
DeleteJÀttiputki ja muut vieraslajit ovatkin tuttuja, olenhan kouluttautunut luonto-alalla. Tuolla pusikossa aina revin esim karhunköynnöstÀ pois muita kasveja kiusimasta. ^_^
Olet kyllÀ kuin suoraan Grimmin satukirjasta! <3 Ja mekko on ihastuttava, hauskaa ettei kaikkea voi mitenkÀÀn huomata yhdellÀ silmÀyksellÀ vaan sitÀ on pakko katsoa tarkemmin!
ReplyDeleteOi kiitos! ♥ Tuo rusetin mallin ja mekon ylĂ€osan yhdistelmĂ€ kyllĂ€ luo sellaisen vanhanajan satuviban ^_^
DeleteTautisen upeita kuvia! Oot kuin fantasiahahmo jostain lasten kertomuksesta totta tosiaan :)
ReplyDeleteIsosti kiitoksia! ♥ ElĂ€mĂ€ on paljon hauskempaa, kun nĂ€yttÀÀ vĂ€hĂ€n satuhahmolta :P
DeleteWhat lovely pictures!
ReplyDeleteThank you sweetie! ♥ This is the second time photoshooting with Jaakko and even though he is quite new to portraits and such, he is very good. ^_^
DeleteNÀytÀt aivan upealta ja tuo mekko on tÀydellinen! :)
ReplyDelete*KiittÀÀ ja kumartaa* ♥
DeleteSTUNNING!! Everything in this shoot is total perfection :D
Thank you so much dear! ♥