Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Bye bye blog - See you in Instagram

Hi sweeties! 💗

A very long time since posting here!
I never meant to just vanish from my blog and always thought if I were to quit posting, I would write about it. But the thing is, I didn't plan to quit when I did. I actually have some old drafts here waiting, but never got around to finish them. I have gotten some questions about if I'm going to continue blogging or where have I gone, so I decided to make this final post.

Many things happened around those times when I stopped posting, around two years ago. I had to cut a very toxic family member from my life and it will take probably a long time to recover from. Then I let some nasty internet rumors and systematic lolita community bullying get to me and I started feeling very insecure about this blog. It felt weird for a long time for me not to make posts and I missed it. I did this for five years and it was big part of my daily life, but now I've already gotten used to not being here.

I'm still active on Instagram, so feel free to see and talk to me there! 😊


Thank you for all your support and the years in this blog! đŸ’—
I had loads of fun times posting and talking to you! 💕

♄~ Saija Sasetar

Friday, April 21, 2017

đŸŒč Red Riding Hood lolita đŸŒč

Moikka rakkaat otukset siellĂ€ ruudun takana! (⌒▜⌒)♄

Yksi entuudestaan tuttu kuvaaja, Antti Karppinen, kysyi josko haluaisin lĂ€hteĂ€ hĂ€nelle malliksi sellaiseen studiovalokuvaus demoon tapahtumaan Kuva ja Kamera messut. No tietysti! Olin samaisessa tapahtumassa ja samassa hommassa viime vuonna, tosin Karppinen sairastui ja kuvattiin sitten eri valokuvaajan kanssa. TĂ€mmöiset meiningit on aina mahtavia, hyvÀÀ menoa ja ihmisiĂ€ ja kuvailua. Yay â™Ą

Hello there lovely creatures behind the screen! (⌒▜⌒)♄

This one photographer I already know, Antti Karppinen, asked if I wanted to go as his model for this studio photography demo at a Photo and Camera fair event. Well of course! I was at the same event last year and doing the same thing, although Karppinen fell ill and so we did the photoshoot with another photographer. These kind of things are amazing, the happening and people and photography. Yay ♡

Red Riding Hood

Mekko | Dress~  Stamp Albums
PÀÀhine | Headdress~  Stamp Albums
Paitapusero | Blouse~  Innocent World
Sukat | Socks~  Innocent World
Shaali | Shawl~  Thrifted Anne Linnonmaa 
Korkkarit | Heels~  Thrifted
Peruukki | Wig~  Gothic Lolita Wigs

PÀÀsin vihdoin kĂ€yttĂ€mÀÀn ihanaista kettumekkoa, mikĂ€ on odotellut mekkokaapissa viime kesĂ€stĂ€ asti. Se on aivan ihana Taobao-kaupasta tilattu printtimekko, missĂ€ on kettuja!! Iiiih (°◡°♡)
Löysin tĂ€ssĂ€ talvella myös ihan superlöydĂ€n 2€:lla tuollaisen tĂ€yspuuvillaisen röyhelö shaalin ja upean punaisen! Oli upeaa saada koordailla se tĂ€mĂ€n kanssa. Muutenkin punainen tuo lolitaan, eleganttiin tyyliin, sellaista pientĂ€ potkua. Punainen lolitassa on omaan silmÀÀn jotenkin erityisen upeaa. TĂ€llĂ€ asulla siis mentiin messuilla lauantaina. 

Oli vĂ€hĂ€n hauska sattuma, mutta asu nĂ€yttÀÀ todella paljon satuhahmolta punahilkka! TykkÀÀn! â™„

I finally got the opportunity to use this lovely fox dress, which has been hanging in my dress closet since last summer. It's absolutely adorable print dress with foxes from a Taobao store!! Iiiih (°◡°♡)
During winter I also made a super find for 2€, that full cotton frilly shawl and in amazing red color! Was amazeballs to coord it with this one. Always red brings to lolita, an elegant style, a little bit of a kick. In my eyes red in lolita is somehow especially gorgeous. This was my outfit for the fair on Saturday. 

It was a bit funny coincidence, but the outfit really looks like the fairytale character Red Riding Hood! Me likey â™„

VĂ€leissĂ€ kun on luppoaikaa, niin on ihana kĂ€ydĂ€ kiertĂ€mĂ€ssĂ€ valokuvanĂ€yttelyt. 
Erityisesti luontokuvista elĂ€inkuvat ovat niin kauniita, jotkut vaan osaa napata sen hetken kuvaan. 

In between when I have time, it's so very lovely to stroll around the photo exhibits.
Especially from the nature photography the animals are so beautiful, some just can capture the moment.

Friday's look~ I really liked how this turned out, very happy â™„

Ennen ja jÀlkeen pikaisen kuvankÀsittelyn
Before and after a quick image process

Photography: Antti Karppinen

 Photography: Jose B. Ruiz  (non-edit)

SiellĂ€ oli myös Leica kamera -piste, missĂ€ sai otattaa itsestÀÀn kuvan ja minĂ€hĂ€n kyllĂ€ otatin! Ensin en edes tajunnut, ettĂ€ kamera printtaa kuvan heti, ajattelin ettĂ€ se on joku perus "ota tĂ€ssĂ€ potretti itsestĂ€si" -paikka. Mesta minkĂ€ stĂ€ndin pikkuvarastossa sain pitÀÀ mun romppeita, sano ettĂ€ mun tarvii kĂ€ydĂ€ otattaan kuva ja oikeessa olivat, kyllĂ€ tarvitsi! Sain muistoksi ihan oikeat kĂ€sin kosketeltavat kuvat. (*°▜°*)

There was also a Leica camera stand, where one could go and had their picture taken and yes I did! First didn't even realize, that the camera prints the photo right away, just thought it's some basic "have your portrait taken here" -place. The stand that let me keep my stuff in their little storage room, said that I have to go and take a picture taken and yes, they were right, I had to! Got a real life photos to remember this. (*°▜°*)

♡ haleja  |  hugs â™Ą
♡ ensi kertaan  | till next time â™Ą

❀~ Saija Sasetar

Sunday, April 9, 2017

♡ Angelic Pretty Princess Cat JSK ♡

Moi ihanaiset â™„

MeillĂ€ oli tĂ€ssĂ€ taannoin miitti paikallisten lolitojen kanssa ja pÀÀsin ulkoiluttamaan ensimmĂ€istĂ€ kertaa mun unelmaista kissamekkoa! TĂ€mĂ€n nappasin joulun aikaan Angelic Prettyn alennusmyynnistĂ€ ja se on siitĂ€ asti roikkunut olohuoneen oven pÀÀltĂ€, ettĂ€ voin ihastella sitĂ€ joka kerta, kun kuljen ohi. Kuolasin tĂ€tĂ€ printtiĂ€ jo aiemmin viime vuonna kun se julkaistiin, mutta uusiin brĂ€ndimekkoihin ei ole varaa, mutta voi sitĂ€ tutinaa kun nĂ€inkin tĂ€mĂ€n olevan -40% alennuksessa! Se on nyt oikeasti minun, uusi Angelic Pretty mekko! Joku lolita virstanpylvĂ€s. Se on aikas spessua, koska tĂ€mĂ€ on mun toinen uutena ostettu japanilainen brĂ€ndimekko. (â€â—Ąâ€)

Hello lovelies ♄

We had a meetup while back with local lolitas and I got to take out my new dreamy kitty cat dress for the first time! I got this one during Christmas time from Angelic Pretty's sale and since then it has been hanging from the living room door, so that I can admire it every time passing by. I was drooling over this print already when it was released last year, but can't afford new brand dresses, but oh my the excitement when saw this in sale for -40%! It is really now mine, a new Angelic Pretty dress! Some lolita milestone. It's quite special, because this is my second Japanese brand dress bought as new. (â€â—Ąâ€)

Princess Cat

♡ Peruukki | Wig~  Wig is Fashion
♡ Paitapusero | Blouse~  Long Ears and Sharp Ears' Studio
♡ Mekko | Dress~  Angelic Pretty
♡ Saappaat | Boots~  Dreamv / Yumetenbo
♡ Takki | Coat~  Angelic Pretty
♡ Laukku | Bag~  Disney x Angelic Pretty
♡ Kaulakoru | Choker~  Lolita Collective
♡ PÀÀhine | Headpiece~  Made by me

Mekon nimi on Princess Cat ja se on vaaleanpunainen, mikĂ€ voisi olal tĂ€ydellisempÀÀ?! â™Ą
MĂ€ muistan kun joskus monta vuotta sitten sain syntymĂ€pĂ€ivĂ€kortin, missĂ€ oli kissan kuva, sillĂ€ oli prinsessakruunu ja kortti oli vaaleanpunainen ja siinĂ€ oli vielĂ€ kiiltĂ€viĂ€ timangeja. Se oli tĂ€ydellisyyttĂ€ just mulle. Ainiin synttĂ€ritkin on tulossa taas, muutaman pĂ€ivĂ€n pÀÀstĂ€ olisi 30 vuotta tĂ€ynnĂ€. Argh! Ajattelin jos juhlistaisi isoilla teemasynttĂ€reillĂ€, mutta pÀÀtin ettĂ€ teenkin pienimuotoisesti jotain itselleni mukavaa. Itse juhlapĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€ olen kuvauksissa, mutta onneksi samalla viikolla on pÀÀsiĂ€isloma ja pÀÀsee sitten tekemÀÀn jotain omaa kivaa. â™„

The dress is called Princess Cat and it's pink, what could be more perfect?! â™Ą
I remember some time many years ago when I got a birthday card, where was a picture of a cat who had a princess crown and the card was pink and it even had some sparkly diamonds. It was absolute perfectness for me. Oh yeah, my birthday is coming up again, in a few days will have 30 whole ones. Argh! Was thinking about celebrating with some big theme party, but instead decided to something small scale and do what I want just for me. On the actual day will be in a photoshoot, but luckily on the same week there's Easter holiday and can do some own fun. ♄

Asustelaatikosta ei löytynytkÀÀn juuri sopivaa mustapinkkiĂ€ pÀÀhinettĂ€, joten pÀÀtin tehdĂ€ sellaisen. Halusin siihen prinsessaviboja tietenkin. Materiaaleina kĂ€ytin vanhaa hiuspantaa, tukikangasta, vaaleanpunaista lakanaa, mustaa pitsiĂ€, satiini- ja samettinauhaa, helmiĂ€, lankaa ja neulaa, sekĂ€ tuollaisen muovisen timantti sydĂ€men, joka on mun vanhasta ponnarista, kun olin 6-vuotias. SiitĂ€ tuli oikein ihana, tykkÀÀn hirmuisesti. NĂ€itĂ€ tĂ€mmösiĂ€ asusteita on muutenkin kiva nĂ€perrellĂ€. (*⌒―⌒*)

There wasn't any perfectly matching in my accessory drawer, so decided to make one. I wanted it to have princess vibes of course. As materials I used an old headband, buckram, pink sheet, black lace, satin and velvet lace, pearls, thread and needle, also that plastic diamond heart, which is from my hairband from when I was 6-years-old. It became very lovely, I like it a lot. Anyways enjoying doing these kind of accessories. (*⌒―⌒*)

♡ Haleja  |  Hugs â™Ą
♡ Kiva kun kĂ€vit poikkeemassa  |  Thanks for stopping by â™Ą

❀~ Saija Sasetar